The Dream

The Dream is was a painting by artist Picasso
This painting cubist style on canvas depicting a woman asleep with her arms folded leaning. The work was done with Marie-Thérèse Walter as a model. It was sold to a millionaire by 85 million dollars because he nudged left a year and was repaired.

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3 comentarios:

nory andrea karla fatima pahola 5d 5 d dijo...

jajajajaj the history ofon painthis is very funny,,, because only the man bought this painting because he nudged left.
i think this painting is amagazin because express differents things for example the dreams of women and is really interesting for me.

fatima sixto sachez

Unknown dijo...

jajajjaja if you are furthermore we liked the painting so we put it, thank you for your comments and we have our blog as I think was the best jajajaja

Unknown dijo...
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